Sobriety Coaching

Sobriety Coaching

Helping Women Be Fiercely Sober

Sobriety Coaching for Women

Why just be sober,

When you can be AMAZING!

Sobriety coaching helps women avoid the mistake of simply thinking that stopping drinking alcohol will solve all their problems. In fact, many people have spent years sober only to stay miserable. We numb the pain of our problems, often remnants of the past that never get addressed. We drink for a reason, and it isn’t just because it makes us feel good. That does happen, but we neglect to consider that maybe we need help feeling good because we are avoiding the things that make us feel bad.

This doesn’t have to be you.

What if I told you that buried somewhere under that layer of alcohol, shame, and self-doubt, there was an amazing woman waiting to bust free?

I mean really. She wants so bad to…

  • Start a business.
  • Travel.
  • Go to school.
  • Buy a house.
  • Wake up daily feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world.


She whats to bounce back from dependency to alcohol.


I bounce back.

I have bounced back so many times that it feels second nature to me. In fact, I’ve recently started calling myself the resilience queen because no matter what happens, I always seem to get back up, ready to start over.

Here’s what I mean:

  • I am an official Hillbilly who went from being shack-in-the-woods dirt poor to a highly educated teacher.
  • My high school counselor told me I wasn’t college material, so I got a master’s degree.
  • When my marriage fell apart, I took it as an opportunity to prove to myself that I could survive on my own.
  • When my son died, I was devastated. I thought I would never heal from that loss, but I used the experience to motivate me to turn my pain into purpose.
  • I thought I would never be able to quit drinking, and then one day I woke up and said, “to hell with that,” and I haven’t had a drink since.

Do you want to know the best thing about resilience?

It can be learned.

Sobriety Coaching Can Help You Find Your Resilience

In order to properly heal from addiction, sobriety coaching with me focuses on your resilience. Together, we work to help you,

Become self-aware

Learn to see the world as it is.

Practice self-control.

Use your motivation.

Connect with people.

Have self-compassion.

Now Sober. Now Free!

8-Week Private Coaching Program


Addiction is a tool many of us use to mask our problems and numb our pain, but it doesn’t solve the problem. Now Sober. Now Free! coaching helps you understand the reasons you drink while giving you knowledge about addiction and tools that empower you.  We get to the root of the problem by identifying why you drink, how it helps when you need it, and how it drives your behaviors. With this information, we can develop techniques to help you change old addictive behaviors and replace them with new healthy behaviors.

You are not alone. All around the world, men and women deal with life by turning to drugs and alcohol. But that’s not all. At some point in recovery, many people suffering from addiction begin to wonder, “Is this all there is?” This kind of sobriety is not the goal. Rather I want to help you to see that there is more to life than addiction and pain. My passion is helping women find hope and strength to move beyond their addictions and into a life of empowered freedom.

Building a sober plan

Mapping the Territory

While there are similarities of addiction that we can count on from person to person, each of us is wonderfully unique. As a result, many of us also need a unique recovery program.

The first step we will take together will be to identify the specific areas you need to focus on to develop a recovery plan that fits your needs.

Your journey to recovery will make pit stops at each of the following locations staying longer when needed to explore the terrain and with potential adjustments and detours when new areas of concern are uncovered.

Reframing Self-Talk

You will be amazed at how much impact changing your mindset and self-talk will have on you. Here we get clear about how you think about yourself and the world around you and how it negatively impacts your life.

Now Sober. Now Free! sobriety coaching will help you bust through your limiting beliefs and find power in a whole new way of thinking. You will learn self-compassion and mindfulness.

You will also discover how to find gratitude in even the smallest gifts life gives you and how practicing that leads to happiness.

Finding Clarity

 On one shoulder, the devil says, “Go ahead. Drink. Your life is already in shambles, and this will help you deal with it.” On the other shoulder, the angel says, “You know If you would just quit, everything would be okay.”

It’s okay to want and not want at the same time, but decisions become much easier when we are clear about our goals.

Here we take a look at your life from the 1,000-foot view to discover your strengths, weaknesses, and values. Then we dive down to the 10-foot view and use your new clarity to help you make choices that can repair the damage of your past and lead you to the life you were meant to have.

Success isn’t impossible, but achieving it can be challenging. Together, we will turn hurdles into lines in the road that need only be stepped over.

Changing Behaviors

Have you ever considered how your negative behaviors have positive benefits?

They are getting you something that you want and need. Unfortunately, they often come with unwanted consequences. In order to change behaviors, we first have to identify the underlying goal, so we can find better ways of achieving it.

But, that’s not all. Habits are built on years of repetition, and the brain learns to perform them without conscious thought. To change those habits, we will get very clear about your habit loop, so you can step out of it to get more rewarding results.

changing behaviors

Channeling Motivation

We have two main motivators: Pain and pleasure. Running away from pain is a great place to start, but it only gets us so far before we forget what that pain really felt like. In order to make lasting change, we have to turn towards pleasure motivators.

This, in my belief, is the most exciting part of the program. Here’s where sobriety coaching helps you realize that the life you were meant to live is within your reach.

When we work on motivation, you get to dream big. Do you want to reach for the stars and land on the moon, or reach for the moon and land on a star? Both are exciting and possible with faith and a plan. Together, we will identify your purpose, create a plan to achieve it, and map out the tasks you need to do to live it.

This is where your future really begins.

Practicing Self-Care

Regardless of what you may believe, self-care is not enjoying a glass of wine at the end of a busy day. Nor is it spa days and shopping sprees although that can be part of it.

Rather, self-care has more to do with setting boundaries so, you don’t feel the stress and anxiety that causes you to want to numb out with drugs or alcohol. It involves forgiveness, connection, and spirituality.

The best part? self-care isn’t selfish.

When you practice it right, you learn to love yourself in a way you have never thought possible. And it gives you the freedom to love others like you never could before.

healing relationships

Healing Connections

If you are like me, you have probably isolated yourself, damaged relationships, and surrounded yourself with people who drink and behave the way you do. In fact, you may not even know who you are anymore. Does this sound familiar?

Together we will work on ways to repair the disconnect. First, this whole process is designed to get you back in alignment with who you are. And because you have learned to practice self-care, you will love and want to be with that person.

We will also discover which relationships you want to heal, whether or not those relationships can heal, and if they can, how you can begin that process. We will then work on how you can build new relationships that don’t involve alcohol.

Sobriety Coaching

Sobriety Coaching

Desperate for help, Jeanna began sobriety in a 12-step recovery program. While she loves the program, she quickly discovered that there were many aspects of recovery that sponsors and meetings couldn’t help her with.

Using her experience as a teacher, she immediately began studying coaching techniques (NLP, REBT, EFT), spirituality, and the brain. Then she combined her understanding of these areas to create a sobriety coaching program that supplements treatment aftercare, therapy, and group recovery programs.

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